
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA
Lenin’s Birthday

Lenin’s Birthday

Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//6:11pm, Apr 25th '22

I see gray clouds guarding the sky

like grim sentinels,

Cold April is sublime and without rancor,

The buds on the trees struggle to bloom,

Spring snow has taken its ride

on the turning of the roads.

Traffic and human voices buzzing like bees,

I hear across the street--

Happiness and despair flies into the air…,

I think of his birth, his life on this April morning,

The sun blots out our tears.

Moscow is far away from my country’s demise,

He sleeps in a mausoleum on Red Square,

One can hear the shouts of history,

The polished boots of honor guards lifting high,

Clicking proudly on flag-stone pavements.

A look back on three years of China’s anti-Covid-19 fight
Tings Chak//11:07pm, Jan 2nd '23

A look back on three years of China’s anti-Covid-19 fight

I arrived in Shanghai, 36 hours after leaving São Paulo, a near deportation in South Africa, and a canceled connecting flight. It was March 21, 2020. In the following days, China implemented its mandatory....

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"The truth always win and the lies always fail"
Oscar Smith Nicaragua//5:57pm, Nov 2nd '21

"The truth always win and the lies always fail"

Nicaragua, the biggest country in Central America has been targeted by US imperialism throughout different administrations from democrats to republicans and self-described "progressive" congressmen and....

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Ongoing protest against anti-abortion law in Poland is a war between the working class women and Christian fundamentalist
Sourav Chakraborty India//1:06pm, Nov 4th '20

Ongoing protest against anti-abortion law in Poland is a war between the working class women and Christian fundamentalist

The outrage of protest in Poland is now well known to all. On 22nd October, a court ruling of Poland imposed ban on all cases of abortion except for a pregnancy that threatens the mother’s health or....

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The Gaza Strip: At the heart of a profoundly changing world
Jad Kabbanji Canada//11:06pm, Nov 13th '23

The Gaza Strip: At the heart of a profoundly changing world

October 7 marked the beginning of one of the deadliest phases in the war that the Israeli occupation forces are waging against the Palestinian people. This escalation was triggered in response to a lightning....

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Chinese party congress envisions domestic growth and equality, less reliance on exports
Roger McKenzie//12:24am, Oct 19th '22

Chinese party congress envisions domestic growth and equality, less reliance on exports

Chinese leader Xi Jinping opened the Communist Party’s 20th Congress Sunday promising to reinforce “a new pattern of development” focused on domestic rather than export-led growth and reducing inequality.Vowing....

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Middle-East Historian Warns that U.S. Needs to Compromise with Iran to Avoid Catastrophe
Elias Cepeda USA//8:23am, Jul 14th '22

Middle-East Historian Warns that U.S. Needs to Compromise with Iran to Avoid Catastrophe

As voices within the United States government and corporate media renew calls for a war with Iran, a leading researcher on Middle-Eastern affairs is warning that such a move would not just be immoral,....

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