
Nishan Chatterjee from India
Cuba and the US: A Hostile Relationship in Decades.

Cuba and the US: A Hostile Relationship in Decades.

Nishan Chatterjee from India//12:37am, Jul 25th '21

Cuba and the United states are pretty close. Not like a couple though, rather like hostile roommates. One of them being the big bad daddy while the other one has nothing left to survive.

Cuba has been under sanction for quite some time now. President Obama was the first US president in a very long time to set foot on Cuban soil. He kind of promised to loosen sanctions on the island country and build a bridge between the two people.

Unfortunately Donald Trump happened in 2016. Things took a turn for the worse and the sanctions against Cuba became tighter.

Here comes the fact, some people may believe Trump was the sole problem of the United States and his removal would have solved everything. The current leader of the 'free world' promised to walk Obama's path during his election campaign but he kept maintaining the status quo against Cuba, instated by Trump.

It's not Trump really. It's the neo liberal policies of the United States. Neoliberalism has nothing new and nothing is liberal about it. It's trying to push the United States to the gilded ages. Trump was an extremity but what he did has worked for everyone in the ruling section of the society.

He took the blame, obviously. He is a nice patsy at this moment. He gave the reasons as well but he quickened the process of these neo liberal agendas.

Biden didn't need to start anything. All he needed to do was to delay. After all, he didn't start this. He is a nice guy.

In the meantime unrest grows in Cuba. Covid is taking its toll and Cuba is gasping for breath. Even with an efficient health system it's impossible to fight the disease with shortages.

Food is short, electricity is scarce, oil is rare… obviously people are suffering. They have no one to blame but the Government and they have done so. There is nothing wrong with that. Cuba has changed quite a bit since the Castro brothers.

In retaliation the government has made arrests and had to stop the internet. There can be criticisms regarding this issue but doesn't every country do this in situations similar to this? No one should expect social media sites to be helpful towards Cuba. They have the same ideology as the other 'free' world institutions. Moreover they have their own agenda, profit!

Cuba has brought allegations against US officials to spread rumours against the island nation.

Many in the 'free' world have been against Cuba for a very long time. Now some are even advocating an US invasion of the island nation.

The Cuban government says they haven't seen any current sign of this but things may escalate at any moment like Iraq or Libya.

They have also said, and this carries quite a bit of truth to it, that the US needs reasons to press against Cuba. They have imposed the sanctions, which created shortages which in turn created this unrest all over the country. That's quite believable, don't you think so? I for one, do. The Cubans have also said that they ( the US) will spread propaganda to justify their actions. We all know this is not the first time this has happened. Surely this isn't the last.

These unrest are sure to raise a spike in the Covid situation in Cuba. All we can hope right now is that Cuba doesn't fall into a downward spiral. They were the ones to show the US that latin America can't be their playground.

Things do seem grim right now but Cuba has fought back with all its might. I would like to see that again. I sure hope the sole beacon of hope doesn't get snuffed out in these dark times.

Ekin Deniz Hos Turkey//11:17am, Aug 12th '21


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