
C S Mathews USA
Rightwing Terrorists March on the Capitol Building Under 'Trump Flags'

Rightwing Terrorists March on the Capitol Building Under 'Trump Flags'

C S Mathews USA//3:52am, Jan 7th '21

The Capitol has been evacuated as rightwing terrorists seize control of the building, a militia marches on the Georgia state house, National Guard is in route, one unknown individual is rushed to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the chest, multiple reports of possible bombs, and more information developing as the United States faces what appears to be an attempted coupe based on the misguided belief that the election was stolen from President Trump by some shadowy Cabal.

These armed militants march in the name of Donald Trump, who has fanned the flames of countless conspiracies with his unfounded, and disproved, insistence that his failed bid for a second term. Trump faced controversy days ago when he decided to call the Secretary of State for Georgia in what appears to be an attempt to negotiate political favors for votes. Trumps loss of the stated was a massive upset, largely spurred on by the direct action of several activist going door to door to insure that voters were registered. Earlier today, a runoff election was held for the two seats that would determine which party holds dominance in the House of representatives. This could largely determine the next four years of political discourse in the United States as the Democrats have won the White House and held on to their majority in the Senate, and early poll results seem to suggest a victory in the House of representatives, a fact that would give them unilateral control of the political direction of the country. Then the terrorist arrived.

As early as three hours ago, armed militants stormed the Capitol on the nation and the capital of the state of Georgia, effectively forcing both locations to evacuate and halting the democratic process. These rising tensions have driven a wedge between the outgoing President Trump and his Vice President. The latest reports indicate at least two explosive devices and there is even footage of the police posing for selfies with the terrorists and individuals breaking into the computers of high-ranking government officials.

The News media has named them ‘protestors’, ‘rioters’, ‘looters’, even going as far as to call them ‘anarchist’. This last title is levied at them much to the chagrin of actual Anarchist who know them only as ‘Nationalists’, ‘Terrorists’, ‘White Supremacists’, and above all ‘Fascists’.
More as this story unfolds.

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