
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA


Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//4:00am, May 10th '22

“They say that sometimes a man cannot recognize

himself in a looking-glass. It is even harder to recognize
oneself in the clouded mirror of the past.”

― Ilya Ehrenburg, People, Years and Life

They, who gave their lives anonymously,

Men, women, children— who died for Soviet Russia,

Those whose names, whose faces are now memory

like the lilacs, once bouquets, now seeds again

across the earth.

I have seen cranes fly across darken, evening skies,

But greatness is to meet the glory and danger,

that is before you, nonetheless,

May has come again with its sunlight not blotting

out deaths of ultimate sacrifice,

The great hurrahs of Soviet soldiers heard again—

Belarus, Ukraine, all of Europe awakening at sunrise,

to the sounds of soft Russian boots.

The Question of  Revolution in Football in Europe and  North America
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//7:29am, Jul 22nd '22

The Question of Revolution in Football in Europe and North America

I. Football As A Way of life And As Political Act Football is a political act of war by another means. Despite the complexities of a sport that is simple in nature, there is the spectacle of the game itself....

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How Neoliberalism is Destroying our Environment
Karl Fluri Canada//8:49pm, Dec 7th '22

How Neoliberalism is Destroying our Environment

Despite the many climate action conferences around the world today, compared to even a few decades ago, it seems that having hundreds of world leaders and billionaires flying around in private jets and....

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Chile: 50 Years of Coup and Neoliberalism
Saheli Chowdhury India//2:06am, Sep 14th '23

Chile: 50 Years of Coup and Neoliberalism

One such day 50 years ago, a US-backed and funded military coup overthrew the first socialist president who had been elected through the “acceptable” path of bourgeois election, and drowned a country....

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Communist Party of Swaziland leads the people: for total revolution
Pius Vilakati Swaziland//10:17am, Aug 5th '22

Communist Party of Swaziland leads the people: for total revolution

The political situation in Swaziland continues to be volatile. Insecurity has worsened under the 49 years of absolute monarchy, the last in Africa. Political parties in Swaziland have remained banned since....

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Stimulus Checks : A Myth of Socialism for the Rich
Tanay Bose USA//5:47pm, Jan 5th '21

Stimulus Checks : A Myth of Socialism for the Rich

2020 was a year full of contrasts. We have seen terrible tyranny and oppression by the far-right governments across the globe. At the same time people have come across to help and stand by each other against....

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Roe v Wade and Sexual Violence in the US
Morgan Corvidelle USA//4:04am, Jul 24th '22

Roe v Wade and Sexual Violence in the US

The US Supreme Court overturning the landmark Roe v Wade decision has, predictably and justifiably, resulted in rage, protests, and fear, particularly among USians who can become pregnant. Simply being....

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