
Own Correspondent
‘‘Because Sanction sounds better than genocide’’: The International is online

‘‘Because Sanction sounds better than genocide’’: The International is online

Own Correspondent//9:10pm, Apr 16th '22

Grab your digital copy now

The 19th issue of The International is already online in our website. Being a leftist magazine we are happily bound to bring you things which capitalist media will never show or talk. The economic genocide by the capitalist countries which are fancily called Sanctions are our main focus of this issue. The theme is "Because Sanction sounds better than genocide". Broadly this issue focuses on the different effects and outcomes of the economic genocide AKA “Sanctions” imposed by the Capitalist countries. The naked truth of Sanctions is here in this issue. The contents of this issue is in the following -


Shuvam Banerjee (Editor in Chief)

Will Sanctions on Russia Achieve US Objectives or Backfire?

Dr.Asatar Bair (Professor of Economics at Riverside City College, USA)

Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Africans must not bow to NATO imperialist machinery

Pius Vilakati (International Secretary, The Communist Party of Swaziland)

Politics of Economic Sanctions

Dr. Yugal Rayalu (Member, Central Education Department, Communist Party of India)

Sanctions and their Effects on Venezuela

Tarik Ata (Marxist intellectual and a writer from Great Britain)

About the sanctions on the DPRK

Dr. Dermot Hudson (Chairman, Korean Friendship Association of the UK Chairman, British Group for the Study of the Juche idea)

Media crackdowns and the perspective on Ukraine crisis

Arka Bhandari (Journalist from India)

Impact of Sanctions and War on Africa and The Developing world

Stewart McGill (Convertor of the Political Economy Commission, Communist Party of Britain)

Latin American Sanctions and Cuba: US Instrument to Stop Social and Political Liberation

José Neto (A geopolitical analyst from Brazil)

CPI(M) 23rd Party Congress: Ways to fight fascism

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Elections in France

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Somalia enters the 31st year of the Civil War

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Turmoil in Pakistan?

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Sri Lanka in crisis: The Situation worsens

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To read the magazine subscribe here

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