
Yanis Iqbal India
A Poem by Yanis Iqbal

A Poem by Yanis Iqbal

Yanis Iqbal India//9:46am, Jan 2nd '22

A Hunger-stricken Child

Someone knocks on the glittering glass of a posh car,

Someone ruffles the sleek surface of a dead conscience.

Heaps of bones, sheets of muscles -

Can the intruder in the rich man's universe be called a "child"?

He begs for pennies to fill his belly,

He desperately steps onto the car’s sidestep in a last chance of survival.

But to no avail.


Shooed away like a street dog,

The decomposing body distills into tense torment,

Engulfed by the wretched purity of the world's inhumanity.

As each tissue of the body is scarred by starvation,

The child slowly seeps into the sewages of indifference,

Clothed in the nakedness of injustice.

Power Cuts, Shortages, and Trauma: A Daily Reality of the Israeli Blockade of Gaza
Saheli Chowdhury India//5:14pm, Oct 15th '23

Power Cuts, Shortages, and Trauma: A Daily Reality of the Israeli Blockade of Gaza

Defence Minister of the Zionist apartheid state that is called Israel, Yoav Gallant, announced a “complete blockade” of Gaza on October 9, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formally declared....

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Fascism: The Boot of Capital
Jack Peachey UK //6:37am, May 20th '22

Fascism: The Boot of Capital

Part: 2 II. Liberalism, Neoliberalism and the Liberal-Fascist BargainUpon a proper analysis, we see that liberalism-far from what Griffin alleges-is instrumental to fascism. Indeed, it is not wholly liberal-but....

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Media's Anti-China Propaganda Will Hurt Australia
Jerry Grey China//12:58am, Sep 30th '23

Media's Anti-China Propaganda Will Hurt Australia

It was OK with ASIO, the Defence Department, the Treasury Minister of the day (Scott Morrison) and it was definitely OK with the Northern Territory government to lease the Port of Darwin to a Chinese contractor.....

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Myths About Public Sector Debt
Stewart McGill UK//10:33pm, Nov 23rd '22

Myths About Public Sector Debt

Written by comrade McGill around 18months ago but the principles remain current and relevant, the British government are still using misconceptions and lies about the national debt in order to attack the....

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What's so secretive about the house of secrets?
Sumedha Chatterjee Ireland//2:10pm, Oct 28th '21

What's so secretive about the house of secrets?

House of secrets: The Burari DeathsA review With a rather ominous title, House of secrets invites viewers to delve into the unknown. The limited docuseries begins with a monologue, on the inevitability....

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Boston : People came out in the pouring rain in support of the Indian farmers
Steve Gillis USA//4:05pm, Dec 18th '20

Boston : People came out in the pouring rain in support of the Indian farmers

Hundreds of millions of Indian workers and farmers staged the world’s largest strike on Nov. 26 and are continuing to shut down areas of the economy. On Dec. 12, the anniversary of the racist and discriminatory....

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