
Own Correspondent
Joint press release by the youths of Palestine, Syria and Jordan

Joint press release by the youths of Palestine, Syria and Jordan

Own Correspondent//8:03pm, Oct 22nd '20

Palestinian Peoples Party Youth, Syrian Democratic Youth Union and Jordanian democratic Youth Union have expressed their full solidarity to the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the fascist Zionist Israeli occupation who face the worst forms of racism and oppression, especially in the so-called administrative detention without charge or trial, as the number of administrative detainees has reached 350, headed by Maher Al-Akhras, who is in his sixth year in captivity. He has been on hunger strike for more than eighty days, struggling with his empty stomachs to protest against his administrative detention. Al-Akhras's health is in a very critical situation at present.

These three youth organisations have appealed to all the peoples of the world to stand by the struggle of the Palestinian people and their prisoner movement in the prisons of Zionist fascism.

On A Strategic Retreat From Afghanistan
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//2:09am, Aug 21st '21

On A Strategic Retreat From Afghanistan

This Article is written by military historian Luiz Lazaro Tijerina. This is a historical document written on the Afghan Crisis. The Executive Editor of The International Maggazine, Adele Cain has added....

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European Union: Labor injustice and labour migration
Dr. Werner Rugemer Germany//8:43pm, Sep 23rd '21

European Union: Labor injustice and labour migration

In construction, logistics, care, agriculture, the cruise industry and also prostitution: In the rich European countries nothing with go without migrant workers. They are coming from poor EU-member states....

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Communist Party of Swaziland leads the people: for total revolution
Pius Vilakati Swaziland//10:17am, Aug 5th '22

Communist Party of Swaziland leads the people: for total revolution

The political situation in Swaziland continues to be volatile. Insecurity has worsened under the 49 years of absolute monarchy, the last in Africa. Political parties in Swaziland have remained banned since....

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A 21 years old college student will be the Mayor  of a Communist headed Municipal Corporation in India for next five years
Own Correspondent//4:15pm, Dec 27th '20

A 21 years old college student will be the Mayor of a Communist headed Municipal Corporation in India for next five years

Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation is the largest city corporation in Kerala state of India by area and population. The city corporation is spread over 214.5 km2 with 100 wards and a population of....

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Capitalism in Terminal Decline
Ted Reese//12:15am, Aug 21st '23

Capitalism in Terminal Decline

Karl Marx regarded socialism’s supersession of capitalism as a natural historical process. With the evolution of production from mechanisation to automation tending to abolish the source of (exchange)....

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2021 Ugandan General Election : Mass Struggle and State Repression
Yanis Iqbal India//9:45pm, Jan 26th '21

2021 Ugandan General Election : Mass Struggle and State Repression

Yoweri Museveni, Uganda’s 76-year-old leader who has been in power since 1986, won another five-year term in a contested presidential election held on January 14, 2021. According to Uganda’s Electoral....

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