
Own Correspondent
Joint press release by the youths of Palestine, Syria and Jordan

Joint press release by the youths of Palestine, Syria and Jordan

Own Correspondent//8:03pm, Oct 22nd '20

Palestinian Peoples Party Youth, Syrian Democratic Youth Union and Jordanian democratic Youth Union have expressed their full solidarity to the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the fascist Zionist Israeli occupation who face the worst forms of racism and oppression, especially in the so-called administrative detention without charge or trial, as the number of administrative detainees has reached 350, headed by Maher Al-Akhras, who is in his sixth year in captivity. He has been on hunger strike for more than eighty days, struggling with his empty stomachs to protest against his administrative detention. Al-Akhras's health is in a very critical situation at present.

These three youth organisations have appealed to all the peoples of the world to stand by the struggle of the Palestinian people and their prisoner movement in the prisons of Zionist fascism.

Sport and Drama
Dr. Ljubodrag Simonovic Portugal//12:08am, Dec 6th '22

Sport and Drama

Drama is the form in which sport, in a structural sense, most closely resembles art. Speaking of the relation between sport and acting, Christopher Lasch says: “By submitting without reservation to the....

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Taiwan: US deployment area against mainland China - since 1945
Werner Rugemer Germany//9:28pm, Nov 28th '21

Taiwan: US deployment area against mainland China - since 1945

Under U.S. guidance, the regime of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek was installed in Taiwan beginning in 1945: He had already been supported by the USA in the 1920s, then also by Hitler's Germany. Taiwan....

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Military Concept of the Modern Breakthrough, Created by Gen. Aleksei A. Brusilov
Luis Lazaro Tijerina USA//7:45pm, Dec 25th '21

Military Concept of the Modern Breakthrough, Created by Gen. Aleksei A. Brusilov

Foreword by Adèle CainRenowned military historian Luis Lázaro Tijerina has turned his sharp analytical mind to the subject of the modern military concept of the “Breakthrough on the battlefield”,....

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Media's Anti-China Propaganda Will Hurt Australia
Jerry Grey China//12:58am, Sep 30th '23

Media's Anti-China Propaganda Will Hurt Australia

It was OK with ASIO, the Defence Department, the Treasury Minister of the day (Scott Morrison) and it was definitely OK with the Northern Territory government to lease the Port of Darwin to a Chinese contractor.....

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Defending ‘Our Schools:’ Koreans in Japan face continued racism
Derek Ford//9:24pm, Jan 4th '23

Defending ‘Our Schools:’ Koreans in Japan face continued racism

On November 25, 2022, toward the end of the 1st Academic Peace Delegation to Koreans in Japan, I testified at the Japanese Diet—along with others from Japan and South Korea—about the need to protect....

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Attempts in vain to kill Fidel Castro
Work of The International//11:35pm, Nov 26th '22

Attempts in vain to kill Fidel Castro

Here are the top 7 CIA attempts to kill Castro. The famous and loved leader of Cuba served as an almost mythical foe for the CIA's obsessive and clumsy assassination campaign. The following is a collective....

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