
Own Correspondent
A report on the nationwide general strike in the largest democracy of the world

A report on the nationwide general strike in the largest democracy of the world

Own Correspondent//2:16am, Nov 27th '20

There was a nationwide general strike today in the largest democracy of the world, India, at the call of all central left and democratic trade unions although existence of democracy is under serious question in India presently under the rule of fascist and hindu fundamentlist BJP-RSS.

Common people responded with a firm resolve all over the country to the call of the Joint Platform of central trade unions and independent associations and federations to demonstrate against the anti-labour, anti-farmer and anti-national policies of the central government. More than 30 crore people joined today's general strike. The people of all section of the society actively participated in this strike and it became the largest strike of recent past. This situation has arisen because the incumbent BJP Government is following in the footsteps of the British imperialism using unconstitutional means to sacrifice the workers’ and the farmers’ interests in favour of the corporates and it was the duty of the workers and the farmers to beat them back for their own constitutional rights.

The major demands of this strike of 26th November was:

1. Cash transfer of Rs. 7500 per month for all non income tax paying families.

2. 10 kg free ration per person per month to all needy.

3. Expansion of MGNREGA to provide 200 days’ work in a year in rural areas at enhanced wages; extension of employment guarantee to urban areas.

4. Withdraw all anti farmer laws and anti worker labour codes.

5. Stop privatisation of public sector including the financial sector and stop corporatisation of Govt run manufacturing and service entities like Railways, Ordinance Factories, Ports etc.

6. Withdraw the draconian circular on forced premature retirement of Government & PSU Employees.

7. Provide Pension to all, scrap NPS and restore earlier Pension, improve EPS-95.

Left parties and the left minded mass organizations led the strike and they showed their strong existence all over the country. Not only the existence but also they have showed the united voice of the nation. This strike was not a peaceful one as police administration used their violent measures and they acted as the goons of the ruling party. Thousands of farmers, workers, students are arrested. Lot of activists are injured. Even the goons of BJP attacked the head quarters of communist parties in the state of Tripura.

The important point is that there is a general election in the state of Bengal soon. Once Bengal was the strongest hold of communist parties in India. Now the regional party Trinamool Congress is ruling the state but BJP is gaining its momentum in the soil of Bengal. So in this period, after the back to back success in Bihar assembly election and nationwide general strike, left supporters are becoming ambitious about the left resurgence in India.

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