
Own Correspondent
‘‘Inequality, Capitalism and Human Rights’’: The International is online

‘‘Inequality, Capitalism and Human Rights’’: The International is online

Own Correspondent//9:50am, Jun 20th '22

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The 21st issue of The International is already online with the theme "Inequality, Capitalism and Human Rights". The issues of human rights are all connected to the existence of capitalism and that is what we have analysed in this issue.
We have more than 1700 paid subscribers now. Will you support The International with just $2.5/Month and $25/Year? Your one subscription helps us to develop this media because we solely depend on your support for survival and development. The contents of this issue is in the following -


Shuvam Banerjee (Editor in Chief)

Human rights and the economy

Shreenivas Khandewale (Director, .S. Ruikar Institute or Labour & Socio-Cultural Studies, Nagpur, India)

The paradox of human rights

Arshad Nadim (Human rights and trade union, activist from Pakistan)

Capitalism and human rights

Stewart Mcgill (Convenor, Political Economy commission, Communist Party of Britain)

Human rights in modern Africa

Clarius Ugwuoha (A prominent writer from Nigeria)

The capitalism connection

with America's gun violence

Elias Cepeda(Lecturer of English literature & critical journalism, Northeastern Illinois University. USA)

The Marcos-Duterte Victory in 2022 Philippine Presidential election: A fake promise of "Better Tomorrow"

Clemencia Lopez (Political activist. Movement of National Democracy, Philippines)

Violence as a capitalist instrument

David Kane (Human Rights activist and an author from UK)

People's Summit of America: The imperialistic Vision

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Corporations Destroying: The environment and the planet

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FGC celebrates its 10th anniversary

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Colombia's Election: The red flag at par

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Pride month for equality: Not for capitalist tokenism

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