
Andrzej Ranek USA
Solidarity Through Time

Solidarity Through Time

Andrzej Ranek USA//1:51am, Aug 29th '21

I listened to the songs of liberation and cried bitter tears.
Those grasping hands that leapt out into the dark,
into history.
To bring hope, Internationale.
The sound of fingers curled around the wrist of their fellow
to pull eachother up.

I've heard that the east is red.
without hesitance I turn my head.


My face is wet with grief but I grab the arm of hope.
I don't let go, like fingers wrapped around a mothers'
Though the tide of hate may try
to wash away sand.

A foundation is there.

I've turned my head.
and the heart of the earth is red.

Music as an expression of protest against class and racial segregation- part 3 of 4
Gordan Stosevic Slovenia//10:40am, Dec 9th '21

Music as an expression of protest against class and racial segregation- part 3 of 4

A glaring example is associated with jazz diva Billy Holiday, who became the target of Federal Bureau of Investigation chief Harry J. Enslinger. He seeked an official ban on all her public appearances....

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Boston : People came out in the pouring rain in support of the Indian farmers
Steve Gillis USA//4:05pm, Dec 18th '20

Boston : People came out in the pouring rain in support of the Indian farmers

Hundreds of millions of Indian workers and farmers staged the world’s largest strike on Nov. 26 and are continuing to shut down areas of the economy. On Dec. 12, the anniversary of the racist and discriminatory....

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Cuba and the US: A Hostile Relationship in Decades.
Nishan Chatterjee from India//12:37am, Jul 25th '21

Cuba and the US: A Hostile Relationship in Decades.

Cuba and the United states are pretty close. Not like a couple though, rather like hostile roommates. One of them being the big bad daddy while the other one has nothing left to survive.Cuba has been under....

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Ideological work in the new era of socialism in China - Part 1
Gabriel Martinez//1:40am, Sep 21st '22

Ideological work in the new era of socialism in China - Part 1

The Reform and Opening policy, initiated by the Communist Party of China in 1978, has produced important transformations in the economic sphere of the country. The transformation in the structure of property....

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The War in Ukraine: looking at the conflict from a non revisionist lens
Ian Beddowes Zimbabwe//12:00am, Mar 7th '22

The War in Ukraine: looking at the conflict from a non revisionist lens

The war in Ukraine has exposed the ugliness of the western bourgeoisie. The same bourgeoisie who turned a blind eye and even cheered when invasions were taking place elsewhere are today in solidarity with....

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COCHABAMBA WATER WAR: The Effects of Privatization of Water Supply
Sumedha Chatterjee Ireland//10:44pm, Nov 14th '21

COCHABAMBA WATER WAR: The Effects of Privatization of Water Supply

As the world we are living in becomes increasingly globalized, we see the traditional roles of the state to be ebbing. The lines between state and non state activities shall blur to an extent that there....

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