
Shuvam Banerjee India
Peasants' movements surging towards a mass revolt, central trade unions are on the road : Communist Party of India completes its' 95 years

Peasants' movements surging towards a mass revolt, central trade unions are on the road : Communist Party of India completes its' 95 years

Shuvam Banerjee India//9:49pm, Dec 26th '20

2020 is a year to be remembered by all who have experienced this year in their life span. 2020, is not only a year of tragedies and heart ripping scenes caused by the pandemic and failure of capitalism to tackle it, but it is – “a year of mass resistance”.

Resistance has been observed in each part of the globe; whether it is the most widespread and longest running series of protests in the history of the United States against racism, or for democratic new constitution in Chile; to protect women right in Poland, for secularism in Sudan and against pro-corporate inhuman anti-farmers’ laws in India.

When the capitalist countries clearly failed and refused to stand by their citizen during this crisis situation and were insensitive and apathetic towards the common people, countless lives were saved through the solidarity of Socialist states and working class across the world will not forget the role of the Communist and left parties, even in the capitalist countries to save their lives by arranging food and shelter to their family.

In India, the communist parties and their mass organizations played the role of the government by supplying food, medicines and other day-to-day needs at the doorsteps of the common people. Thousands of relief kitchens, street kitchens, free vegetable markets were organized and were active during the entire lockdown period, when the people needed it the most.

Post lockdown period in India is experiencing massive anti-government protests. A million of Indian farm workers have been protesting for weeks at the Delhi border, against the three farm laws passed by Modi government, which is undoubtedly one of the largest continuous mobilizations in world’s largest democracy since independence. These three laws are pro-corporate and anti-farmers and thus hundreds of peasant organizations united to mobilize this fight. During this period, the coordination between the peasants and workers, developed remarkably. More than 200 million workers suspended their work to take part in the recent General Strike and Bharat Bandh of 26th November and 8th December, which were called by the trade unions and peasants’ organizations respectively.

All the major highways towards the capital city Delhi has been blocked since 27th November and tomorrow it will be one month of this ponderous protest with a massive gathering of millions. Significantly the farmers of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh are marching towards the Singhu border to join the revolted farmers. The farmers have established their own city at the border of the capital city for last one month and administration is bound to be a mere spectator.

At this situation, the first national level platform of the communists in India, Communist Party of India completes its 95 years today. There were several small communist groups in India before 1925 and even some small groups were formed outside of the Indian soil, but the Kanpur conference of December 25-28 was the first attempt to form an organized party of the Communists in India. From that foundation conference of Kanpur, CPI name was adopted on December 26.

Remarkably from North to South and from East to West, each corner of the nation is seen to celebrate this historical day. There is a clear indication of resurgence in class struggle with the active participation of the Communist parties in India.

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